As you enjoy your honeymoon I capture your footage to the editing suite and begin to edit your film (normally from multiple devices) and add your chosen music and titles etc. If I feel that your music choices are a poor fit or that lyrics are inappropriate then I will discuss with you at this time.
Being a great believer that you cannot successfully proof your own work, this task falls to Maxine after which I make my fine-tune edit which can be as specific as cutting 1/2 second from an 8 second clip, reducing audio levels or tweaking colour balance.
This process can take time and, as per most companies, I anticipate c. 6-8 weeks to complete the final edit. It is unusual but during the 'prime wedding season' or if we have corporate events to attend then this can take longer. Please do feel to query this at outset especially if you have special urgent requirements which will be accommodated wherever possible.
Your video is normally presented on 4 sets of DVDs, so that you have 1 set to keep for yourselves and 3 to give away to close family. In addition, I am happy to offer your own copy on Blu-Ray at no additional cost.
Should you require a few additional DVD then again I will provide these at no additional cost but I reserve the right under my own non-specified "is this reasonable" clause which I may make up or alter at any time. The short story is that umpteen years ago someone asked for an additional 26 copies - and that was something of a pain as it was in the old days of attempting to make VHS to VHS copies.
Wedding clips such as montages and marryoke can also be provided as mp4 files on USB at very little cost or by file transfer.
Errors can happen and I will always correct such if anything makes it past Maxine's beady eye. Oddly enough the mistake that has occurred a few times is that the Groom has provided an incorrect spelling of his Brides name!
I do however reserve the right to make additional charge for editing beyond what would be considered normal and reasonable.