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Other services

 I do not believe in the concept of promoting other services simply due to the provider being our friends, relatives or neighbours.  I take recommendations very seriously and do not offer them lightly as else they could impact upon your day and my own reputation (such as it is).


The people listed may well be my friends now but rest assured that anyone shown here represents a business that I would genuinely consider using myself.



Emotive Imagery Photography


Bias aside, Maxine is surely the best wedding photographer that I know - but of course she had a great tutor in the early days.


I have yet to meet anyone that does not like Maxine and she has the knack of putting everyone at ease from day one and will never consider any client request as too much.


Like myself, she does not do time constraints or hidden surprise fees but believes in a fair fee for a great job done.



I have to confess that whilst I am not really a cake person (that would be completely impractical) I do like a good fruit cake and no I am not talking about Andy from Cakeland.

Floral Secrets


It is not my forte of course but I cannot even begin to fathom the "secrets" involved in floristry - but perhaps that is the point.  Luckily Jo knows so she is the person to contact.

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