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What to expect from your Documentary style film.

Most text headings below link through to our sample clips pages - this is of course not practical regards the main coverage which we welcome you to come and visit in order to see properly.

It is true to some extent that every wedding is different but it is of course also true that the majority of weddings follow a similar framework of events. I have attempted to cover the bases in as few words as are viable but please do not underestimate the importance of getting this right.


I am happy to work with you to tailor coverage to your specific requirements but here is an overview of what I have found to be fairly normal in terms of what is expected.



Opening Sequence


Cliched or not, the truth is that on the day you will generally not have time to notice the little things.  For me it is important to have the option to see or relive those details such as the setting, the flower arrangements etc.  Take a look at the examples within the video clip section.



Main Coverage


The arrival of guests and the Bridal party, the entrance to the ceremony and the ceremony itself.  In the case of Church weddings, I would suggest that hymns are edited in order to ease viewing later.


Vows and speeches are captured using separate high quality recorders which is left entire for the main presentations but I tend to edit out the minister / registrar for the highlights / shorts..


There will then normally be coverage of elements of your photo shoot but I do not attempt to take over from, or compete with,  your photographer(s)


The official receiving line can be covered if required although this is less popular than it used to be. Once you are greeted into the wedding breakfast I retreat to a quiet space and prepare  whilst you eat.


It is my opinion that speeches should then be covered in their entirety as there is no going back in time to capture Dad's speech for instance at a later date.


A little coverage of the arrival of evening guests is generally a good introduction to the latter part of the video and leads up to the "wobbling around slowly holding bums dance".  I do not then call it a night, I stay to cover more of the evening reception with no specified time constraints at all.  Beware those that state "we will cover up to 8 hours" which sounds fine until you realise that full coverage can span 10-12 hours.


During the evening, we can include the option for guests to leave messages of congratulations and good will.  Or better still, perhaps they will leave embarrassing memories of your formative years or last month's Stag and Hen.



Highlights Montage


For many, the crowning element to our videos is the montage.  I am not going to pretend to have invented these although after 20+ years and a few tweaks along the way it feels like it.


That then concludes the "normal" coverage and presentation which is fully inclusive in terms of my stated costs.



The not so normal coverage


Our only "paid add-on" as these are not to everyone's taste and as such an 'inclusive' cost would be unfair to those not requiring it.


Imagine a music video involving yourselves, friends and family.  The dafter the better but I have to warn that it takes a lot of work from everybody to produce a good result.


PLEASE NOTE that I am in the midst of updating the website.  



Based nr Kidderminster and covering the whole of the UK


01562 851664 / 07956 443128

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